Beautiful pics of Mariah Carey and Maria Menounos feet & legs

Maria Menounos, a Greek American journalist and television hostess is an actress. She was the host of Extra as well as E! She worked as a reporter on Today Access Hollywood. In the interview she said that her condition is improving after having battled privately with pancreatic cancer in stage 2 during the last year. The way I'm feeling is great I'm grateful that I'm well with my child Menounos said. Litsa Menounos, Maria's mother, was 61 when she was diagnosed with GBM - a hard to treat, malignant and deadly form of cancer of the brain. Menounos was actively caring for Maria's mother, who underwent chemotherapy and radiation. Mariah Carey was an American musician, singer, record producer and actress. Guinness World Records calls her the Songbird Supreme. She is famous for her songwriting skills and a five-octave range in singing and a melismatic sound.

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